


In Design, our task was to illustrate a self portrait using Adobe Illustrator, a vector based program, to show our most loved and conversely our most hated trait. Like a double edged sword, all of our personality traits can be used for good and bad.


"A Measured Space"

"A Measured Space"

My concept for my self portrait illustration was displaying my obessive organizational
skills. I’m able to organize my activities, priorities, and ration out my time very efficiently,
allowing me to execute my projects quickly and successfully. However, that means that even
when I try to branch out and reach out into finding creative solutions, I am still very grounded to reality and practicality-- as well as always looking at time constraints.

The earth represents reality, which I’m always very connected to. As the person is
floating in space, which represents freedom, there is still a tie (represented by the measuring
tape) which ties her to practicality. Also, while I am floating in space, I’m still constantly reminded of my constraints, represented by the floating clocks which are stars.


2010 © Sophie Ho Freestyle Academy. All righs reserved.
sophie ho times