
My Credo

I believe in singing and dancing while driving in your car.
I believe that music can take you to a moment in time.
I believe in slowing down, and taking a breath.
I believe in celebrity crushes.
I believe in asking people how they’re doing, and meaning it.
I believe in making fun of yourself.
I believe in the best of friends, and the worst of friends.
I believe sitting in your room doing nothing, is doing something.
I believe in rock stars.
I believe that if you could change one thing in the past, the present would be entirely different.
I believe in needing someone.
I believe in ‘mental health’ days.
I believe in screaming at the top of your lungs to release stress.
I believe in making wrong turns, but that everything happens for a reason.
I believe in a cure for Juvenile Diabetes.
I believe my dad when he says, “Find something you’re good at, and stick to it,” even if that something is annoying your children.
I believe in carrying a camera everywhere you go.
I believe that you must believe in yourself.

me in bedroom

quicktime available for free download here:

© 2007 Brennan W