my friends




this is margarita. i met her in elementary school, we were then reunited in our 1st period freshman year algebra class. she's awesome, and her name's a drink. [awk.]


this is ricky. i starting talking to him this year when we were put next to each other in algebra 2. he thinks i'm totally weird, but he's totally like my new bff.

this is katy. i also met her in elementary school, and we were usually in the same class. she was also in mine and margarita's algebra class. now, most of our time is spent together.


these are
the chili's
i used to work with them a lot,
and they're

these gentlemen, are steven f and jimmy c. i met them this year at freestyle and we've been hanging out and getting to know them. they're pretty cool, they make fun of me a lot, but i guess it's okay. they're in a band, and they make good models.

This is alix k. i've known her since thrid grade, where we met at almond elementary school. we were reunited here at freestyle, and now i spend the majority of my time with her. she's super cool, and speaks a strange abrieving language.

steven and jimmy

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© 2007 Brennan W