Personal Essay

Diagnosis: Bad Friend

You and your friend have been planning to go to dinner for weeks now. You’re usually always together, but you both wanted to get dressed up all fancy, and go out for fun. You’re so full of anticipation you may just burst. So you call up your friend to make the final arrangements for your outing, and all of a sudden, he/she has plans. The same plans, keep in mind, that you did the day before, just so you could go out with your friend.

You’ve just been exposed to the epidemic called “a flakey friend”. And most often, where there is a “flakey friend”, there are other so-called “bad friends” to soon follow.

Don’t worry though, it isn’t damaging, as long as you don’t ingest in large amounts. If, of course, you are exposed to it for extended lengths of time, you should consult what is called a “good friend” immediately. Where the most common, and effective, treatment is to limit or cut off contact with this diagnosed “flakey person”, and continue affiliation with this “good friend” of your choice.

The best way to avoid a relapse is to be aware that there are good friends, and bad friends all around you. Your job is to make sure that you don’t let these bad friends get to you because they will indeed affect you in a very negative way.

Don’t know if you’ll be able to tell the difference? Here are some questions to ask yourself about this friend:
Does this person in question give you credit for things you do for them? Do they do things in return? Does this person ask you to do things as often as you ask them? Would they go out of their way to do something with you? Does this friend always stick to their plans? Do you feel as though they care for you as much as you care for them? Can you trust them with anything? Your life?

Chances are, if you answered yes to the majority of these questions you have a great, good, or fairly stable friend. If the person you’re thinking of doesn’t match up, it’s probably time to give them the boot. Unfortunately, a common side affect of a bad friend is denial. Many people can’t accept that they’re in a bad friendship, and often it’s too late to restore some of the damage they have caused. What they need, is a good friend to step in and show them that what they are experiencing is not the norm. In many cases, the person recognizes that they have a bad friend or friends, but are scared of what might happen if they leave the friendship. It is very important to remember that in the long run, your health and sanity will be incredibly better off outside of this relationship, even if it means being unstable for a short period of time. The affects of a bad friend can often be avoided, but in times where it is unavoidable, the presence of a good friend is a sure fire way to rid your ailment.

ana, me, katy

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© 2007 Brennan W