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The Monster Under the Bed

After writing a personal essay in English, we enhanched our project by making a podcast out of the essay and adding images. This allowed me to add my own voice so that I could emphasis the important parts of the podcast and talk how I wanted my essay to be told. It also gave me the chance to add pictures to emphasis the idea of the essay.

What Lies Under the Bed

A Demon lives under my bed. Fangs shine darkly against the dull light drop soppy blood onto the long and pointed touch that resting dryly on the carpet. As rancid air is exhaled above it. Eyes glare a deep shade of red with skin pulled down in an angry manner. Claws silently gripping and releasing the floor, pulling and tearing it below as it watches for limbs to hang carelessly off the safe island. The rough colorless skin is covered in patches of fur that is stretched over a crippled and broken body. Limbs ranging in different sizes jut out of its body-like frame. It lives quietly, waiting under my warm bed for me, the fearful child, to step out into the open' out of my warm plushy haven and onto the ground, This horrid creature feeds off of every fear, every insecurity and anxiety, i chose to ignore and push away. This is the monster that lives under my bed.

Everyone has a creature that lives in the closet of under the bed. Something so daunting and horrid that all children have the undeniable urge to sleep int he safety of their parent's sanctuary and allow the creature to reside under their own safe haven. This metaphorical creature is everything a person has ever feared packed into at the form of a disturbing individual whose existence is entirely made out of anxiety. And this creature shapes how people lives their lives.

Fear is an auto magic reaction to seeing something that can be interpreted as threatening or as dangerous. People feel this fear everyday, but most choose not to face it and not to overcome it. By doing this, they remain afraid and feed this symbolic monster that resides under their bed. As a child, I was terrified of heights. I never wanted to scale a latter, look out a high window, fly in a plane. I twas a fear that took away many childhood pleasures and forced me to be rooted to the ground as my friends soared above me in the sky. It held me back from rocking climbing with my GirlScout troop, climbing trees with my friends, even fundraising with cookies on a friend's street because there was a steep hill. I fed the monster under my bed with my fear of heights and it forced me to miss a lot of pleasure and enjoyment I could have had during my elementary years. Even today, I've never climbed a tree and bitten tint the apples at the top. I've been stuck at the bottom, scavenging for the ones that topple to the ground.

A different fear that affected my life even more then heights was blood. No one likes seeing blood. It means pain and brokenness to us, and its an unpleasant sight to behold. i was terrified of blood and that kept me from taking risks. Any chance of falling or getting cut gave me a sickening feeling, knowing that the damage would lead to blood. I was scared of falling and getting hurt. Of having my skin broken and ripped, so I did everything I could to prevent that from happening. I wouldn't ride a skateboard because I would fall. I wouldn't run quickly because I could trip. I wouldn't slice anything because I could get a cut. I wouldn't hold heavy things because they could drop on me. I stopped getting hurt and I stopped bleeding, but I became very sensitive to pain. I fed this monster with my fear of blood and it made me weak and afraid. I wasn't someone brave and I never took chances and that lead me to living a life that wasn't complete. few people understand the dullness of life when you don't take risks.

Theres a demon under my bed. A monster that waits silently, deformed and unpleasant. It survives only because people choose to fear life and not try. It survives because people don't take risks. Its something that can be changed and can be fixed. It affects the lives of people and diminishes their experiences to the most basic. It feeds off the people who chose not to climb to the top of the tree to get the apple or run a little faster to feel the wind. And they crawl into their parents safety, fearing the monster that lives under their bed.

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