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My Family

My Family

My Family

My family is the largest group of weirdos that ever existed, and I love them for that. In the picture, from right to left, the bottom row is my younger sister Regan, my Dad, and my little brother Robert Christopher. The top row is my older sister Paige, my mom, and me. Together, they make a supportive and loving family for me.

My Sister and My Mom

My Sister and My Mom

This picture is of my mom and my older sister. My mom has always been a supportive roll model for me. She is always there for me, helping me with anything and encouraging me to do my best. Through me learning how to drive to my strange obsessions with games, she's always there encouraging me to do what I want and work hard with it. She loves going on long walks in the hills near our house and cooking delicious food every night for dinner.

Recently, my sister Paige Lewis graduated from MountainView HighSchool and is off at Carroll College in Montana to study elemetary education. She was always my loving big sister who helped me with everything I needed. She encourages me to always try my hardest and do what I want regardless of what others say. She is a huge influence on my life. We've been making each other videos of what the other is missing for each other since she left.

Regan and Christopher

My Brother and My Sister

This picture is of my little brother, Robert Christopher, and my little sister, Regan.Although they are twins, they enjoy nearly opposite things. Christopher is the most energetic, ball of excitement that ever existed. He is always running around, kicking and hitting balls into goals and baskets. Then he relaxes by playing videogames and reading.

Regan is the little dancer of the family. She enjoys singing and dancing and running around the house playing games with her friends. She's very silly and clever, and always remembers to include me in whatever she and Christopher are doing.


My Dad
This is a picture of my dad. He's a little impatient sometimes, but he is very kind and loving. He teaches me a lot about sports and business and life. He's helped me so much when learning to drive and playing sports. Even though he is very busy with work and baseball and golf, he always takes the time to be with his family. And I'm very glad he is there to support me.


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