


















For this Illustration, our assignment was to depict one of our greatest traits, while simultaneously portraying the downside of that trait.





My Illustration represents an ever present conflict in my life. For my whole life, I have always taken pride in being very meticulous and precise when I do projects. This can be a blessing and a curse. Although the end result is generally something I am proud of, I tend to get overly stressed out about things. I am easily overwhelmed, and often find that time is an issue. Like most teenagers, I'm pretty busy after school. Not only do I have school work to do, but I also
spend five days a week ice skating, I play piano, and as I'm a junior, I'm now having to fit SAT classes into my schedule. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

The symbols in my illustration all relate to this issue. The picture being drawn is the silhouette of a person, with the only defining point of the individual being the knots in their stomach. This represents the amount of stress that I often find myself under. The hand drawing the silhouette
represents the meticulous side, as the artist is trying to make sure each line and arc in the drawing is perfectly placed. The clock on the desk depicts the sense of time running out, while the overall eerie dark feeling of the piece represents the stress that weighs down on me during a



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2010 Copyright © Camille Siegel.

All rights reserved.