


















10 Things I've Learned So Far


For our first Podcast, we had to brainstorm 10 major lessons that we have learned so far in our life.


1. If it's for a good cause, do it. Even if you hate it.
2. Stressing about something will not make it easier.
3. Dog slobber is a decoration.
4. Independence is the key to a happy lifestyle.
5. Just because someone told you that with confidence does not mean it's right.
6. There is no positive side to the phrase "hate to love and love to hate."
7. No matter how hard you fall, you should always get up. Even if your tailbone is killing you.
8. Learning should be fun, not forced.
9. It's impossible to have too much fun.
10. Eat what you want, no matter what's in it. Unless you're allergic. Don't eat it then.


For this podcast, I chose a laid back acoustic tune to accompany my dialect to give off a relaxed feeling. In the background, seagulls caw away over a watery sound. When the seagulls end, I begin speaking, because I am a Siegel. The photos were chosen and placed accordingly to the statement. The photo of Half Dome accompanies the first and second phrases because each year, I hike it for a charity hike. It stresses me out more than most things in life, which sounds silly, but it’s true. The next photo is a Pyrenean Mastiff. I have two at home, who each slobber more than five normal size dogs combined. As a result, it is not rare to see dog drool on furniture or the walls. The third photo, which displays confidence and independence, which matches the subject of statements 4 and 5. For the next statement, I chose a photo of a downward stock chart, to display the idea that the phrase “hate to love and love to hate” is solely negative. The seventh statement was inspired by my love for ice skating. Having fallen on my tailbone many times, I know that it’s important to always get up so that you can at least sit back down on a bag of ice. The photo I chose for statements 8 and 9 is my preschool, elementary school, and middle school. I chose that phrase for number 8 because that is the way Peninsula School is run. I wanted to learn, because it was not forced upon me. The explanation for 9 has to do with my dad. When he dropped me off at Peninsula School, he would say “don’t have too much fun.” I never did, even though I had tons of fun a t school every day. There is no limit to fun, when offered the option for more, I will always take it. And a food pyramid for photo 10. I don’t believe in counting calories and all that. If it’s tasty, I eat it. But because my mom has so many food allergies, I’m always cautious when trying new things.

The Things I’ve Learned So Far podcast was the very first one I had ever made. Though I had never really thoroughly thought about what goes in to making a podcast, I found it surprisingly straightforward. I had been under the impression that it would take much longer to learn about that kind of thing, and was quite surprised when I completed this in my second week of Freestyle. It was fun, and I’m excited that I know how to do this kind of thing now.






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2010 Copyright © Camille Siegel.

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