Meet the Vocies

The unseen, the unknown, the voice actor. Almost all animations require this unique person, one who has mastered the art of matching a voice to a charatcer. Yet as skilled as they are, most voice actors never recieve credit. This page is dedicated to the amazing voice actors whoses skills are what hold my animation together.


Hunter Coffman - Shelldon

He merely appears as an average freshman at Los Altos High School, but in his free time he is training to be the greatest Pokémon trainer there ever was. He physically prepares himself by playing sports such as baseball and soccer, as well as mentally by doing schoolwork. But when it comes down to the baseball diamond or the grassy plains of the Pokémon world, it is all pure skill that leads him to certain victory.




Anthony Mata - Moustached Boss

Known throughout Los Altos High as a master ninja, Anthony tends to remain unseen. Yet few are able to truly meet him when offering the chance to perform. After hearing news of this voice acting role, he put his ninja skills to the test to create the ultimate moustached man.




Stephen Song - Joe (The Fry Cook)

Whoever claimed that dinosaurs no longer roamed the Earth has never met the Stephensaurus. This creature can be found in the exotic land of Los Altos High, snacking upon chips and sandwhiches. Although hard to catch, this animation was lucky enough to not only trap, but get it to roar!




Michelle Chan - Barista

She is a junior at Mountain View High School and enjoys hanging out with friends, singing, playing soccer, and napping. She also loves the movie Tangled and is obsessed with the show 24. She thinks you should go check out her animation as well because it has sheep (her favorite animal). <# [flowers].



Eric Liu - Angry Guy

He is peculiar in the sense that he longs to be a wizard, having read the entire Harry Potter series multiple times each year. However, he remains a muggle, and instead bases many of his voices off of Harry Potter characters; even though he couldn't experience the magic as seen in Harry Potter, he still makes audible magic everyday using such inspiration.