Self Portrait Diptych

This assignment was to use either a personal story and to show that through pictures. This diptych uses two photographs that work together to create a story while other diptychs may juxtapose one another. This assignment was done using the professional cameras from Freestyle as well as Photoshop to create the desired effect.



The Path of Lfe

Ice-skating was my sanctuary for eight years until it began breaking me. Through these photographs I depicted the idea that ice skating was so much a part of me, but when it started breaking the foundation I stood on, I had to let go and move on. However, when I reflect upon my skating career, I appreciate all of the good memories. To represent this, I depicted an ice skate lit by candles and resting on breaking cement. The candle lighting represents the memories that I will always remember and the perspective is from a small distance to portray a person looking back.
In my second photograph, I created an image to convey the difficulty of letting ice skating go. I depicted a teenage girl leaving her ice skate behind. She is wearing all black to create a somber mood and the sadness she feels. The lighting is used to give her a long shadow and the ice skate is scratched up and shows many years of wear and tear to represent how much history there is between her and the object. Memories are something that you never leave behind, so the girl is walking out of the glass doors to show that although she is leaving, she will always remember ice skating.

Copywrite 2010 Maya Shaanan All Rights Reserved
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