Policies and other information
about Freestyle Academy and our classes
- Here's a MAP
- Schedule
- What is Period 9 - Supervised Study on your schedule?
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- Meet the Staff
Freestyle Policies/Info for all classes
Classes - all students take 2 required classes and 1 elective
Class #1 - All students must take "English": English 3 (JRs)
Class #2 - All students must take "Digital Media": Digital Media 1 (JRs)
Class #3 - Students can choose "Animation": Animation 1 (JRs)
Class #3- Students can choose "Design": Design 1 (JRs)
Class #3 - Students can choose "Film": Film 1 (JRs)
More info about Freestyle Faculty.
Expected School-wide Learning Results:
To prepare students to live, learn, and work successfully in today's knowledge-based digital society, our emphasis at Freestyle will be on developing:

- Visual Literacy - the ability to interpret, use, appreciate, and create images and video using both conventional and 21st century media in ways that advance thinking, decision making, communication, and learning.
- Technological Literacy - knowledge about what technology is, how it works, what purposes it can serve, and how it can be used efficiently and effectively to achieve specific goals.
- Creativity - the act of bringing something into existence that is genuinely new, original, and of value either personally (of significance only to the individual or organization) or culturally (adds significantly to a domain of culture as recognized by experts).
- Self Direction - the ability to set goals related to learning, plan for the achievement of those goals, independently manage time and effort, and independently assess the quality of learning and any products that result from the learning experience.
- High Productivity - the ability to produce intellectual, informational, or material products that serve authentic purposes and occur as a result of students using real-world tools to solve or communicate about real-world problems. These products include persuasive communications in any media (print, video, the Web, verbal presentation), synthesis of resources into more useable forms (databases, graphics, simulations), or refinement of questions that build upon what is known to advance one's own and others' understanding.
- Teaming and Collaboration - cooperative interaction between two or more individuals working together to solve problems, create novel products, or learn and master content.
- Social and Civic Responsibility - the ability to manage technology and govern its use in a way that promotes public good and protects society, the environment, and democratic ideals.
- Risk Taking - the willingness to make mistakes, advocate unconventional or unpopular positions, or tackle extremely challenging problems without obvious solutions, such that one's personal growth, integrity, or accomplishments are enhanced.
What Is Expected From The Student
Assessment and Grading:
Quarter grades will be determined on the basis of performance on projects and classwork.
*Please note: Only semester grades appear on transcripts.
For a breakdown of grading and late policies, see the class syllabus:
- Junior English
- Senior English
- Digital Media 1
- Digital Media 2
- Animation 1
- Animation 2
- Design 1
- Design 2
- Film 1
- Film 2
Grade Book Update Policy:
Grades may be viewed 24/7 through individual online accounts on Canvas and/or Aeries/SIS.
Daily Assignments:
Daily assignments are determined by tasks needed to achieve project goals. Students are responsible to check assigned tasks and project goals on Canvas and work toward achieving those tasks and goals.
Attendance will be taken each day, each class period. Attendance will be documented if the student was present or not in a class. You have been enrolled into a Period 9 Supervised study class - which is for attendance purposes only. Note: Students may receive a failing grade "F" in a class where they accumulate 15 or more unexcused absences.
Make Up Work
Absent students are allotted the same number of absent class days to complete assignments. If a student is absent for extended periods of time, it is the student's responsibility to consult with instructor for make-up work.
Classroom Norms
- Use appropriate language, dress, and behavior.
- Be on time for our class sessions. Attendance is taken daily.
- Phone charging stations are provided in the classroom. Leave your phone in the charging station. Phones should not be used at your desk.
- Monitor your tone and expressions during discussions. Think before you respond. Make sure your words, tone, and expressions are school appropriate.
- Maintain the focus of class-time. Make comments specifically related to the purpose of the class discussion.
- Be forgiving of mistakes during classes. There will be technical glitches; be patient with classmates, and be patient with your teacher.
- Speak up when addressing the class or teacher. Allow other participants time and opportunities to contribute, and share their ideas with the group, also.
- It is important, and rewarding, for you to participate in discussions! It is just as important for you to consider the opinions of others. Strive for balance among participants.
Classroom Rules:
Because of the various expensive equipment provided for each student, no eating, drinking and chewing gum will be strictly enforced. Students not in their seats when class begins will receive a tardy. Cheating on any assignment or evaluation will not be tolerated. Any student caught cheating will be given a zero for the item and will be subject to further disciplinary action.