Freestyle Academy of Communication Arts & Technology

1305 Bryant Ave, Mt. View, CA 94040 T 650-940-4650 x5090
2 Required Classes: English and Digital Media 3rd/Elective Class:  + Animation or Design or Film

Freestyle Period 9 Information

Freestyle has a different kind of schedule from MVHS/LAHS but attendance at Freestyle is taken as if you are at LAHS/MVHS. The Freestyle TWO week schedule, however, does NOT match the LAHS/MVHS ONE week Monday, EVEN and ODD period schedules. (click on the spreadsheet image below for specific examples). The normal ONE week SIS/Aeries period schedule for LAHS and MVHS doesn't always sync with TWO week schedule at Freestyle.

So in order for Freestyle Staff to be able to ACCURATELY take attendance on EVEN and ODD period Block Schedule days, you have been placed in a Period 9 - Supervised Study class with a teacher called Freestyle Staff. This Period 9 class is used strictly for attendance purposes. The class will not show up on your final transcript and does not receive a grade or any credit. You don’t go to a Period 9 class because the class doesn’t exist.

Period 9 - Supervised Study
is a class used only for attendance purposes.

Click on this image to see lots of specific examples.
Period 9 Thumbnail

If you get an tardy or absence for Period 9, it means that one of your Freestyle teachers that day marked you as tardy or absent.

Hope that makes sense. Please ask if you have questions.
Thank you,
Freestyle Staff